Following is an excerpt:
A couple weeks ago we provided anecdotal reports from several NLRB Regional Directors that after one month the new Ambush Election Rules union elections were being held in considerably less time, with the Regional Directors claiming elections were being scheduled between 25-30 days. Last week, according to BNA’s Daily Labor Report and Law360, the NLRB released national results of the first month showing that the impact was worse than anticipated.
More Union Petitions Under Ambush Elections Rule
Between April 14 (the day the rules when into effect) and May 14, 280 representation cases were filed. This was a 17% increase in filings over the same period in 2014 and a 32% increase from the last month under the old rules. While some of the increase is likely attributable to unions strategically waiting for the new rules to go into effect, employers can certainly expect increased union activities and more petitions.
Read the full blog post here.