As featured in #WorkforceWednesday: This week, we focus on what can be learned from the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission’s (EEOC’s) fiscal year (FY) 2021 filings as employers continue to navigate COVID-19 in the months ahead.
EEOC: Back in Enforcement Action
The EEOC increased its FY 2021 filings by 12 percent, signaling to employers that the agency is returning to a more robust enforcement level after a downturn in activity last year amid COVID-19. Attorneys Jim Petrie and Amy Bharj tell us more about what we can learn from the past year’s cases.
Video: YouTube, Vimeo.
Podcast: Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Overcast, Spotify, Stitcher.
New York Limits Private Confidential Settlements of Human Rights Complaints
The New York State Division of Human Rights (NYSDHR) has issued a notice announcing a significant change in policy regarding the NYSDHR’s processes for complaint resolution. After October 12, 2021, the NYSDHR will no longer grant requests for discontinuance of complaints due to confidential private settlements. Private confidential settlements will no longer be an option for complaints filed after October 12. Read more.
Anti-Harassment Training for the Virtual and Hybrid Workplace
As the past year’s EEOC filings indicate, it has become critical that your anti-harassment training addresses inappropriate behaviors that can occur in virtual spaces, such as texting, chats, and social media. Learn more about how our e-learning course, Halting Harassment, has been updated to include scenarios employees may encounter in the virtual and hybrid work environment. Read more.
See below for the video and podcast links. For Other Highlights and more news, visit