As featured in #WorkforceWednesday: This week, we focus on Biden’s six-pronged action plan towards combating COVID-19, which requires mandatory vaccination programs for a majority of employers.
Biden Announces Employer Vaccine Mandates
On September 9, President Biden announced that all federal agencies and contractors and employers with 100 or more employees in the private sector must mandate COVID-19 vaccination through a new Occupational Safety and Health Administration-enforced emergency temporary standard. The plan is estimated to impact two-thirds of the country’s workforce. Attorneys Kate Rigby and Adam Tomiak discuss how employers should prepare for compliance. To read more about the President’s plan, click here.
New York HERO Act Safety Plans Now Required
New York Governor Kathy Hochul recently designated COVID-19 a serious public risk under the state’s HERO Act (“Act”), requiring employers’ safety plans developed pursuant to the Act to go into effect. Read more.
Marijuana Legalization Rundown: Recent Judicial Decisions
State legislatures across the country have been busy enacting cannabis legalization laws this year. Along with those laws has come a number of significant court decisions interpreting the application of cannabis legalization around the country. Read more.
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Video: YouTube, Vimeo.
Podcast: Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Overcast, Spotify, Stitcher.