As featured in #WorkforceWednesday: This week, we’re breaking down new pay range disclosure laws emerging across the country and discussing how employers can comply with the requirements.
Salary Range Disclosure Laws
Salary range disclosure laws are not new, but the new requirement for employers to include pay ranges in job postings takes them to the next level. While deadlines are looming in New York City and California, employers around the country are also taking steps to ensure they remain in compliance.
Pay Data Reporting
We’ve seen pay data reporting trending around the globe, and it is now taking hold in the United States. This trend is expected to continue to spread as the government and other stakeholders seek greater transparency.
Employers Prepare for Compliance
Pay equity trends do not seem to be stopping or even slowing down. Therefore, employers should take certain steps to prepare, including reviewing upcoming job postings and identifying the factors that determine compensation.
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Employment Law This Week® gives a rundown of the top developments in employment and labor law and workforce management in a matter of minutes every #WorkforceWednesday.
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