David W. Garland, Chair of Epstein Becker Green’s Labor and Employment Steering Committee and a member of the firm's Board of Directors, will moderate “It’s In The Bag – Summary of Bag Check Litigation And Strategies For Minimizing Risk” at the National Retail Federation Human Resources Executive Summit at the Hard Rock Hotel in Chicago, Illinois on October 15, 2014.
During this general session, retailers who are grappling with employee bag check litigation discuss what the industry can expect in litigation over employee compensation for time spent in bag checks to deter shrinkage and how retailers can minimize risk through their policies and practices.
Be sure to visit with Epstein Becker Green and share ideas with other retailers and employment law professionals during the networking break sponsored by Epstein Becker Green on October 14, 2014 from 3:00 p.m.-3:15 pm.
Click here for information about NRF’s HR Executive Summit.