The Health Employment and Labor (HEAL) blog will include updates about timely issues related to labor and employment issues that affect health care and life sciences companies.
The HEAL blog is an idea that stems from the Epstein Becker Green’s Health Employment and Labor Group, which combines the strengths of the Firm’s two founding national practices – Health Care and Life Sciences and Labor and Employment. EBG attorneys have a deep knowledge of both the labor and employment field and wanted to create a blog that would quickly inform and educate employers about the challenges and opportunities facing the U.S. health care and life sciences industry. The blog will provide human resources professionals, managers, and business owners in the health care and life sciences space with information they need to understand, interpret, comply, and implement the laws and regulations that affect them.
The authors of the blog are attorneys in Epstein Becker Green’s Labor and Employment and Health Care and Life Sciences practices: Jay P. Krupin, Lynn Shapiro Snyder, Kerry M. Parker, Robert Berg, Gretchen Harders, Kara Maciel, Kathleen Peterson, Evan Rosen, Pamela Tyner, and Kathleen Williams.
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