Part 9 of a series featuring our video Rules of the Road: Return to Work in the Time of COVID-19.
If the Rules of the Road: Return to Work in the Time of COVID-19 series has given you any takeaways, it should be that it pays to be prepared, to be safe, and to anticipate workplace issues before they arise. This means taking stock of what has happened in the past year and what challenges lie ahead. There is almost nothing the pandemic has not affected in our lives, or in business and the workplace and the challenges have been daunting. Challenges have included, coping with illness, the stressors of ...
Update: On August 3, 2020, Gov. Murphy signed Executive Order 173 retightening restrictions on permissible indoor gatherings to 25% of a room’s capacity, with a maximum of 25 individuals. The new limit does not apply to weddings, funerals, memorial services and religious and political activities protected under the first amendment. These gatherings will remain to 25% capacity and 100 maximum attendance.
On June 22, 2020, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy issued Executive Order 156 (“EO 156”), which, effective immediately, increases the permissible number of attendees at ...
New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy and Superintendent of the State Police Colonel Patrick Callahan (who also acts as the State Director of Emergency Management) issued orders this week lifting some closures and reiterating or clarifying others, as follows.
Administrative Order 2020-10
On April 27, 2020, in Administrative Order 2020-10 (“A.O. 10”) , Col. Callahan clarified and amended Executive Order 107 (which we wrote about here). A.O. 10, which became effective immediately, permits the reopening of certain business operations now deemed “essential retail business,” ...
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