Our colleague Stuart Gerson recently authored an article in the Washington Legal Foundation’s Legal Backgrounder that will be of particular interest to our readers focused on privacy and cybersecurity: “Federal Preemption: An Essential Component of an Effective National Data-Security and Privacy Regime.”
Following is an excerpt:
Significant data breaches at every level of national life have pushed the privacy and security of personally-identifiable information (PII) to the forefront of state and federal policymakers’ agendas. In the interests of efficiency and ...
Our colleague of Epstein Becker Green authored an article in Confero, titled “Managing Employee Benefits in the Face of Technological Change.”
Following is an excerpt - click here to download the full article in PDF format:
There are many employee benefits challenges facing employers today, from determining the scope and scale of traditional benefits programs to offer that will attract, motivate and retain multigenerational employees, to embracing new models for defining and providing benefits, while simultaneously managing costs. In the midst of ...
Human Resources and Payroll should advise employees in their departments to be on the lookout for the latest tax season phishing scam designed to steal employees’ tax related information and social security numbers. Given the regular frequency of these types of attacks, employers should be taking appropriate steps to safeguard employee Personally Identifiable Information (“PII”). At a minimum, Human Resources should have in place written policies regarding the handling of employee PII and provide training designed to protect employee PII against a data breach. Because ...
Today, Law360 published our article “Considering Best Data Practices for ERISA Fiduciaries.” (Download the full article in PDF format.)
In this article, we outline steps that ERISA plan fiduciaries can take to develop a policy concerning protection of plan data and prudent selection and monitoring of plan service providers who handle PII. Benefit plan service providers, including technology-based outsourcing companies, should also consider these important guidelines and implement the appropriate safeguards to protect against infringement of plan and participant ...
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